Understanding The 509 Area Code Map In 2023

Understanding The 509 Area Code Map In 2023

What is the 509 Area Code?

Living in Washington state, I was surprised to find out that the area code for my region had changed from 509 to something else. I was confused about what this meant, and how it would affect my phone usage.

The 509 area code is a North American telephone area code that serves the eastern third of Washington State. This area code was established in 1952, and it covers cities such as Spokane, Yakima, Kennewick, and Walla Walla.

Why did the 509 Area Code Change?

As populations grow, phone numbers become scarce. To combat this, new area codes are added to a region to provide more numbers. In 2023, the 509 area code was split to create a new area code: 564.

The new area code was added to ensure that residents and businesses in the area continue to have access to telephone numbers. The split was necessary because the increasing demand for phone numbers made it impossible to continue with just one area code.

How does the 509 Area Code Map Affect Me?

As a resident of the 509 area code, I was worried about how this change would affect me. Would I have to get a new phone number? Would I have to change my contact information?

The good news is that if you already have a phone number with the 509 area code, you can keep it. You won’t have to change your number or your contact information. However, if you’re getting a new phone number, you may receive a number with the new area code: 564.

What Should I Know about the 509 Area Code Map?

If you live in the 509 area code or plan to move to the region, there are a few things you should know about the new area code map:

  • The new area code, 564, will be added to the eastern third of Washington State.
  • Residents and businesses in the 509 area code will be able to keep their current phone numbers.
  • New phone numbers may be assigned the new area code, 564.
  • You may need to update your contact information if you receive a new phone number with the 564 area code.

What Does the Future Hold for the 509 Area Code Map?

The addition of the 564 area code means that residents and businesses in the region will have access to more phone numbers. However, as populations continue to grow, it’s possible that more area codes will be added in the future.

Regardless of what happens, it’s important to stay informed about changes to the 509 area code map. By staying up-to-date with these changes, you can ensure that you have access to the phone numbers you need, and that you can stay connected with the people and businesses in your community.


The 509 area code map change may seem confusing at first, but it’s a necessary step to ensure that residents and businesses in the region have access to the phone numbers they need. If you’re a resident of the 509 area code, you can rest easy knowing that you won’t have to change your phone number or contact information. However, if you’re getting a new phone number, you may receive a number with the new area code: 564. Stay informed about changes to the 509 area code map to ensure that you can stay connected with your community.


Q: Can I keep my old phone number with the 509 area code?

A: Yes, if you currently have a phone number with the 509 area code, you can keep it.

Q: Will I have to change my contact information if I get a new phone number with the 564 area code?

A: Yes, if you receive a new phone number with the 564 area code, you may need to update your contact information.

Q: Why was the 509 area code map changed?

A: The 509 area code map was changed to create a new area code, 564, to provide more phone numbers to residents and businesses in the region.

509 Area Code Map, Where is 509 Area Code in Washington
509 Area Code Map, Where is 509 Area Code in Washington from www.mapsofworld.com