The Pentagon's New Map: What You Need To Know In 2023

The Pentagon's New Map: What You Need To Know In 2023


As we enter the year 2023, the world is facing multiple challenges, including geopolitical tensions, cybersecurity threats, and global pandemics. In this context, the Pentagon’s New Map has gained renewed attention as a strategic framework for understanding the world’s complexity and predicting future conflicts. In this article, I will share my personal experience with the New Map and provide an overview of its key concepts and implications.

My Personal Experience

I first learned about the New Map when I was a student of international relations in 2010. At that time, the New Map was still a relatively new concept, introduced by Thomas Barnett, a former senior strategic researcher at the Pentagon. I was immediately fascinated by the New Map’s simplicity and elegance, as it presented a clear and compelling vision of the world’s future.

What is the Pentagon’s New Map?

The Pentagon’s New Map is a strategic concept that divides the world into two main regions: the “Functioning Core” and the “Non-Integrating Gap.” The Functioning Core consists of the world’s most developed countries, which are connected by a network of trade, finance, and communication. The Non-Integrating Gap, on the other hand, consists of the world’s least developed countries, which are isolated and disconnected from the global system.

How Does it Work?

The New Map argues that the Functioning Core and the Non-Integrating Gap are the two main sources of conflict in the world. The Functioning Core seeks to integrate the Non-Integrating Gap into the global system, while the Non-Integrating Gap resists this integration and seeks to maintain its own identity and autonomy. The New Map predicts that the conflicts between the Functioning Core and the Non-Integrating Gap will be the dominant source of conflict in the 21st century.

Implications for Policy

The New Map has important implications for policy makers, as it suggests that the primary goal of US foreign policy should be to integrate the Non-Integrating Gap into the global system. This integration can be achieved through a combination of military, economic, and political means, such as foreign aid, trade agreements, and diplomatic engagement. However, the New Map also recognizes that military force may be necessary in some cases to overcome resistance to integration.

Challenges and Criticisms

The New Map has faced several challenges and criticisms since its introduction. Some critics argue that the New Map oversimplifies the world’s complexity and ignores important regional and cultural differences. Others argue that the New Map is too focused on military solutions and neglects the importance of social and economic development. Despite these criticisms, the New Map remains a useful framework for understanding the world’s complexity and predicting future conflicts.


As we face multiple challenges in the year 2023, the Pentagon’s New Map remains a relevant and useful concept for understanding the world’s complexity and predicting future conflicts. By dividing the world into the Functioning Core and the Non-Integrating Gap, the New Map provides a clear and compelling vision of the world’s future. While there are challenges and criticisms, the New Map remains a valuable tool for policy makers and scholars alike.

Question & Answer

Q: Is the Pentagon’s New Map still relevant in 2023?
A: Yes, the New Map remains a relevant and useful concept for understanding the world’s complexity and predicting future conflicts. Q: What are the two main regions of the New Map?
A: The two main regions are the Functioning Core and the Non-Integrating Gap. Q: What is the primary goal of US foreign policy according to the New Map?
A: The primary goal is to integrate the Non-Integrating Gap into the global system.

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